Through the digital transition 4.0 since 2011.

Discover what we can do for your business.


Food & Beverage


MES Module

Release of a software MES to digitise and optimise the production process based on orders received daily. At the end of the project the machine connection is inserted, obtaining significant insights for the management of company resources.

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Esperienza MES module - Millo Thumbnail

Food & Beverage

greci logo

WMS module

Warehouse processes optimisation. The warehouse becomes intelligent with the Warehouse Management System.

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Esperienza WMS Module - Greci Thumbnail

Food & Beverage


materialSUITE™ for the 4.0 module

Business systems digitalisation and production process optimisation: agile management and tracking of the batches produced according to the sorting operations, understanding how much product has been discarded and how much has actually been kept.

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Esperienza Industry 4.0 Software - Semedorato Thumbnail

Food & Beverage


Streamline document management and speed up sales processes

Through the web and mobile application of Coferasta every customer of the company, buyer or seller of fruit and vegetables, can easily consult all the documentation related to the sale of fruit.

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Esperienza Streamline document management and speed up sales processes - Coferasta Thumbnail

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Enter industry 4.0, with materialSUITE.

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